
(a) to promote the work of Cornell University in the development of intellectual and moral integrity among its students;

(b) to assist needy and deserving students at Cornell University to complete their education;

(c) to promote literary and scientific education and the development of character and the responsibilities of good citizenship among the students at Cornell University;

(d) to provide educational facilities for students at Cornell University;

(e) in the promotion of the above objects, to give preference to those students of Cornell University who are members of the Cornell Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity.

Membership Eligibility for the ACEF

(a) Every alumnus of Cornell University who was a member in good standing of the Cornell Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity while he was a student.

(b) Any other person interested in Cornell University.

Eligibility for ACEF Leadership Positions

• ACEF trustee
Must be a graduate of Cornell University of at least 10 years’ standing.

• ACEF president / ACEF vice president
Chosen from the members of the board of trustees.

• ACEF treasurer/ACEF secretary
Need not be trustees.

The following additional eligibilities were established in 1995, 40 years after the original incorporation of the fund.

• Other ACEF office holders (accountant, of counsel, etc.)
Appointed by the board of trustees. The undergraduate literary chairman of the Cornell Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi is automatically considered to be an office holder of the ACEF.

• ACEF committee chairmen
Selected by office holders from interested and committed ACEF members.